generate method
Generates Dart code for an input Dart library.
May create additional outputs through the buildStep
, but the 'primary'
output is Dart code returned through the Future. If there is nothing to
generate for this library may return null, or a Future that resolves to
null or the empty string.
Future<String> generate(LibraryReader library, BuildStep buildStep) async {
if (_fileToProcess == null) {
_fileToProcess = Completer();
try {
final files = await _collectDartFiles();
final finder = PragmaAnnotatedLibraryFinder(
filePaths: files,
test: (String name) {
return name ==;
final found = finder.find();
final result = <String>[];
final resolver = buildStep.resolver;
for (var file in found) {
file = p.normalize(file);
final base = Directory.current.path;
final package = p.split(base).last;
final path = PathHelper.pathToFileUri(p.relative(file, from: base));
final assetId = AssetId.parse('$package|$path');
final library = await resolver.libraryFor(assetId);
final session = library.session;
final libraryResult = await session
.getResolvedLibrary('/$package/$path') as ResolvedLibraryResult;
} catch (e, s) {
_fileToProcess!.completeError(e, s);
final filesToProcess = await _fileToProcess!.future;
final inputId = buildStep.inputId;
var path = inputId.path;
final base = Directory.current.path;
path = p.join(base, path);
path = p.normalize(path);
if (!filesToProcess.contains(path)) {
return '';
await _readyForBuild.future;
await buildStep.fetchResource(_reflection);
final filePath = '/${inputId.package}/${inputId.path}';
final source = await _build(library.element, buildStep, filePath);
return source;