MockSchedulerBinding mixin

Superclass Constraints
Implemented types
Mixin Applications


currentFrameTimeStamp Duration
The time stamp for the frame currently being processed.
no setteroverride
currentSystemFrameTimeStamp Duration
The raw time stamp as provided by the engine to dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.onBeginFrame for the frame currently being processed.
no setteroverride
endOfFrame Future<void>
Returns a Future that completes after the frame completes.
no setteroverride
framesEnabled bool
Whether frames are currently being scheduled when scheduleFrame is called.
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasScheduledFrame bool
Whether this scheduler has requested that handleBeginFrame be called soon.
no setteroverride
lifecycleState AppLifecycleState
Whether the application is visible, and if so, whether it is currently interactive.
no setteroverride
locked bool
Whether lockEvents is currently locking events.
no setterinherited
platformDispatcher PlatformDispatcher
The ui.PlatformDispatcher to which this binding is bound.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
schedulerPhase SchedulerPhase
The phase that the scheduler is currently operating under.
no setteroverride
schedulingStrategy SchedulingStrategy
The strategy to use when deciding whether to run a task or not.
getter/setter pairoverride
transientCallbackCount int
The current number of transient frame callbacks scheduled.
no setteroverride
window SingletonFlutterWindow
Deprecated. Will be removed in a future version of Flutter.
no setterinherited


addPersistentFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) → void
Adds a persistent frame callback.
addPostFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) → void
Schedule a callback for the end of this frame.
addTimingsCallback(void callback(List<FrameTiming> timings)) → void
Add a TimingsCallback that receives FrameTiming sent from the engine.
cancelFrameCallbackWithId(int id) → void
Cancels the transient frame callback with the given id.
debugAssertNoPendingPerformanceModeRequests(String reason) bool
Asserts that there are no pending performance mode requests in debug mode.
debugAssertNoTimeDilation(String reason) bool
Asserts that there is no artificial time dilation in debug mode.
debugAssertNoTransientCallbacks(String reason) bool
Asserts that there are no registered transient callbacks; if there are, prints their locations and throws an exception.
debugCheckZone(String entryPoint) bool
Checks that the current Zone is the same as that which was used to initialize the binding.
debugGetRequestedPerformanceMode() DartPerformanceMode?
Returns the current DartPerformanceMode requested or null if no requests have been made.
ensureFrameCallbacksRegistered() → void
Ensures callbacks for PlatformDispatcher.onBeginFrame and PlatformDispatcher.onDrawFrame are registered.
ensureVisualUpdate() → void
Schedules a new frame using scheduleFrame if this object is not currently producing a frame.
handleAppLifecycleStateChanged(AppLifecycleState state) → void
Called when the application lifecycle state changes.
handleBeginFrame(Duration? rawTimeStamp) → void
Called by the engine to prepare the framework to produce a new frame.
handleDrawFrame() → void
Called by the engine to produce a new frame.
handleEventLoopCallback() bool
Execute the highest-priority task, if it is of a high enough priority.
initInstances() → void
The initialization method. Subclasses override this method to hook into the platform and otherwise configure their services. Subclasses must call "super.initInstances()".
initServiceExtensions() → void
Called when the binding is initialized, to register service extensions.
lockEvents(Future<void> callback()) Future<void>
Locks the dispatching of asynchronous events and callbacks until the callback's future completes.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
performReassemble() Future<void>
This method is called by reassembleApplication to actually cause the application to reassemble, e.g. after a hot reload.
postEvent(String eventKind, Map<String, dynamic> eventData) → void
All events dispatched by a BindingBase use this method instead of calling developer.postEvent directly so that tests for BindingBase can track which events were dispatched by overriding this method.
reassembleApplication() Future<void>
Cause the entire application to redraw, e.g. after a hot reload.
registerBoolServiceExtension({required String name, required AsyncValueGetter<bool> getter, required AsyncValueSetter<bool> setter}) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which takes a single argument "enabled" which can have the value "true" or the value "false" or can be omitted to read the current value. (Any value other than "true" is considered equivalent to "false". Other arguments are ignored.)
registerNumericServiceExtension({required String name, required AsyncValueGetter<double> getter, required AsyncValueSetter<double> setter}) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which takes a single argument with the same name as the method which, if present, must have a value that can be parsed by double.parse, and can be omitted to read the current value. (Other arguments are ignored.)
registerServiceExtension({required String name, required ServiceExtensionCallback callback}) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name "").
registerSignalServiceExtension({required String name, required AsyncCallback callback}) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which takes no arguments and returns no value.
registerStringServiceExtension({required String name, required AsyncValueGetter<String> getter, required AsyncValueSetter<String> setter}) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which optionally takes a single argument with the name "value". If the argument is omitted, the value is to be read, otherwise it is to be set. Returns the current value.
removeTimingsCallback(void callback(List<FrameTiming> timings)) → void
Removes a callback that was earlier added by addTimingsCallback.
requestPerformanceMode(DartPerformanceMode mode) PerformanceModeRequestHandle?
Request a specific DartPerformanceMode.
resetEpoch() → void
Prepares the scheduler for a non-monotonic change to how time stamps are calculated.
resetInternalState() → void
Allows the test framework to reset the lifecycle state and framesEnabled back to their initial values.
scheduleForcedFrame() → void
Schedules a new frame by calling dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.scheduleFrame.
scheduleFrame() → void
If necessary, schedules a new frame by calling dart:ui.PlatformDispatcher.scheduleFrame.
scheduleFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback, {bool rescheduling = false}) int
Schedules the given transient frame callback.
scheduleTask<T>(TaskCallback<T> task, Priority priority, {String? debugLabel, Flow? flow}) Future<T>
Schedules the given task with the given priority.
scheduleWarmUpFrame() → void
Schedule a frame to run as soon as possible, rather than waiting for the engine to request a frame in response to a system "Vsync" signal.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unlocked() → void
Called by lockEvents when events get unlocked.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.