MenstrualCyclePainter class



MenstrualCyclePainter({required int totalCycleDays, int selectedDay = 0, String menstruationName = "Menstruation", required int menstruationDayCount, Color menstruationColor = defaultMenstruationColor, Color menstruationBackgroundColor = defaultMenstruationColorBg, Color menstruationDayTextColor = defaultBlackColor, Color menstruationTextColor = defaultMenstruationColor, String follicularPhaseName = "Follicular phase", required int follicularDayCount, Color follicularPhaseDayTextColor = defaultBlackColor, Color follicularPhaseColor = defaultFollicularColor, Color follicularBackgroundColor = defaultFollicularColorBg, Color follicularTextColor = defaultFollicularColor, String ovulationName = "Ovulation", required int ovulationDayCount, Color ovulationDayTextColor = defaultBlackColor, Color ovulationColor = defaultOvulationColor, Color ovulationBackgroundColor = defaultOvulationColorBg, Color ovulationTextColor = defaultOvulationColor, String lutealPhaseName = "Luteal phase", Color lutealPhaseColor = defaultLutealPhaseColor, Color lutealPhaseBackgroundColor = defaultLutealPhaseColorBg, Color lutealPhaseTextColor = defaultLutealPhaseColor, Color lutealPhaseDayTextColor = defaultBlackColor, Image? imageAssets, double imgSize = 30, Color centralCircleBackgroundColor = defaultCentralCircleBackgroundColor, double centralCircleSize = 25, String dayTitle = "Day", double dayTitleFontSize = 5, double dayFontSize = 12, double selectedDayFontSize = 18, double selectedDayCircleSize = 18, Color dayTextColor = defaultBlackColor, Color selectedDayBackgroundColor = Colors.white, Color selectedDayTextColor = defaultBlackColor, Color selectedDayCircleBorderColor = Colors.transparent, double insidePhasesTextSize = 8, bool isShowDayTitle = true, double circleDaySize = 13, FontWeight dayFontWeight = FontWeight.normal, MenstrualCycleTheme theme = MenstrualCycleTheme.basic, PhaseTextBoundaries phaseTextBoundaries = PhaseTextBoundaries.inside, double arcStrokeWidth = 30, double outsidePhasesTextSize = 12, int outsideTextCharSpace = 3, int outsideTextSpaceFromArc = 30, Color centralCircleBorderColor = Colors.transparent, int centralCircleBorderSize = 1, bool isRemoveBackgroundPhaseColor = false, MenstrualCycleViewType viewType = MenstrualCycleViewType.none, String title = "", Color titleTextColor =, double titleTextSize = 20, FontWeight titleFontWeight = FontWeight.bold, String message = "", Color messageTextColor = Colors.black45, double messageTextSize = 10, FontWeight messageFontWeight = FontWeight.normal, int spaceBtnTitleMessage = 20})


arcStrokeWidth double
getter/setter pair
centralCircleBackgroundColor Color
getter/setter pair
centralCircleBorderColor Color
getter/setter pair
centralCircleBorderSize int
getter/setter pair
centralCircleSize double
getter/setter pair
circleDaySize double
getter/setter pair
dayFontSize double
getter/setter pair
dayFontWeight FontWeight
getter/setter pair
dayTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
dayTitle String
Day Params variables
getter/setter pair
dayTitleFontSize double
getter/setter pair
follicularBackgroundColor Color
getter/setter pair
follicularDayCount int
getter/setter pair
follicularDayCountNew int
getter/setter pair
follicularPhaseColor Color
getter/setter pair
follicularPhaseDayTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
follicularPhaseName String
Follicular Phase Params variables
getter/setter pair
follicularTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
imageAssets Image?
getter/setter pair
imgSize double
getter/setter pair
insidePhasesTextSize double
getter/setter pair
isRemoveBackgroundPhaseColor bool
getter/setter pair
isShowDayTitle bool
getter/setter pair
lutealPhaseBackgroundColor Color
getter/setter pair
lutealPhaseColor Color
getter/setter pair
lutealPhaseDayTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
lutealPhaseName String
luteal Phase Params variables
getter/setter pair
lutealPhaseTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
menstruationBackgroundColor Color
getter/setter pair
menstruationColor Color
getter/setter pair
menstruationDayCount int
getter/setter pair
menstruationDayCountNew int
Other Variables
getter/setter pair
menstruationDayTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
menstruationName String
Menstruation Params variables
getter/setter pair
menstruationTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
message String
getter/setter pair
messageFontWeight FontWeight
getter/setter pair
messageTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
messageTextSize double
getter/setter pair
outsidePhasesTextSize double
getter/setter pair
outsideTextCharSpace int
getter/setter pair
outsideTextSpaceFromArc int
getter/setter pair
ovulationBackgroundColor Color
getter/setter pair
ovulationColor Color
getter/setter pair
ovulationDayCount int
getter/setter pair
ovulationDayCountNew int
getter/setter pair
ovulationDayTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
ovulationName String
ovulation Phase Params variables
getter/setter pair
ovulationTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
phaseTextBoundaries PhaseTextBoundaries
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectedDay int
getter/setter pair
selectedDayBackgroundColor Color
getter/setter pair
selectedDayCircleBorderColor Color
getter/setter pair
selectedDayCircleSize double
getter/setter pair
selectedDayFontSize double
getter/setter pair
selectedDayTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
semanticsBuilder SemanticsBuilderCallback?
Returns a function that builds semantic information for the picture drawn by this painter.
no setterinherited
spaceBtnTitleMessage int
getter/setter pair
theme MenstrualCycleTheme
getter/setter pair
title String
getter/setter pair
titleFontWeight FontWeight
getter/setter pair
titleTextColor Color
getter/setter pair
titleTextSize double
getter/setter pair
totalCycleDays int
getter/setter pair
viewType MenstrualCycleViewType
getter/setter pair


addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be notified when it is time to repaint.
drawOutSide(Canvas canvas, double radius1, Size size, String text, int startDay, int endDay, Color color, {Offset? offset, bool adjust = true}) → void
Draw Phase text outside circle like Menstruation, Ovulation etc
drawPhaseTextInside(Canvas canvas, Offset center, double radius, int startDay, int endDay, Color textColor, String label) → void
Draw Phase text inside circle like Menstruation, Ovulation etc
drawTopAndTextPhase(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, Offset center, double radius, int startDay, int endDay, Color topColor, Color bgColor, String label, Color textColor) → void
Draw top view and inside background
getSelectedBorderColor(int day) Color
Get Selected day border color based on menstrual phase
getSelectedDayTextColor(int day) Color
Get Selected day text color based on menstrual phase
hitTest(Offset position) bool?
Called whenever a hit test is being performed on an object that is using this custom paint delegate.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) Future<void>
Called whenever the object needs to paint. The given Canvas has its coordinate space configured such that the origin is at the top left of the box. The area of the box is the size of the size argument.
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that the object notifies when it is time to repaint.
shouldRebuildSemantics(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) bool
Called whenever a new instance of the custom painter delegate class is provided to the RenderCustomPaint object, or any time that a new CustomPaint object is created with a new instance of the custom painter delegate class (which amounts to the same thing, because the latter is implemented in terms of the former).
shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) bool
Called whenever a new instance of the custom painter delegate class is provided to the RenderCustomPaint object, or any time that a new CustomPaint object is created with a new instance of the custom painter delegate class (which amounts to the same thing, because the latter is implemented in terms of the former).
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.