linkPackages method

Future<void> linkPackages(
  1. MelosWorkspace workspace

Generates Pub/Flutter related temporary files such as .packages or pubspec.lock.


Future<void> linkPackages(MelosWorkspace workspace) async {
  final pluginTemporaryPath =
      p.join(workspace.melosToolPath, pathRelativeToWorkspace);

  await Future.forEach(generatedPubFilePaths, (String tempFilePath) async {
    final fileToCopy = p.join(pluginTemporaryPath, tempFilePath);
    if (!fileExists(fileToCopy)) {
    var temporaryFileContents = await readTextFileAsync(fileToCopy);

    // Ensure the file generator tool name and version is for 'melos'.
    if (tempFilePath.endsWith('package_config.json')) {
      final packageConfig = jsonDecode(temporaryFileContents) as Map;

      packageConfig.addAll(<String, String>{
        'generator': 'melos',
        'generatorVersion': melosVersion,

      temporaryFileContents =
          const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(packageConfig);

    final regexPathSeparator = '${currentPlatform.isWindows ? r'\' : ''}'
    final melosToolPathRegExp = RegExp(

    // Remove the `.dart_tool\melos_tool` path from any relative file paths
    // in any of the generated files as since we mirrored the pub files to the
    // melos_tool directory for mutations they now contain this path.
    temporaryFileContents =
        temporaryFileContents.replaceAll(melosToolPathRegExp, '');

    await writeTextFileAsync(
      p.join(path, tempFilePath),
      recursive: true,