addDocumentsJson method

Future<Task> addDocumentsJson(
  1. String documents, {
  2. String? primaryKey,

Add a list of documents by given documents and optional primaryKey parameter.

  • The passed documents must be a valid JSON string representing an array of objects.

If the index does not exist, tries to create a new index and adds documents.


Future<Task> addDocumentsJson(String documents, {String? primaryKey}) {
  final decoded = jsonDecode(documents);

  if (decoded is List<Object?>) {
    final casted = decoded.whereType<Map<String, Object?>>().toList();

    return addDocuments(casted, primaryKey: primaryKey);

  throw MeiliSearchApiException(
    "Provided json must be an array of documents, consider using addDocumentsNdjson if this isn't the case",