network<T> method

Future<T?> network<T>({
  1. required dynamic request(
    1. Dio api
  2. dynamic handleSuccess(
    1. Response response
  3. dynamic handleFailure(
    1. DioException error
  4. String? bearerToken,
  5. String? baseUrl,
  6. bool useUndefinedResponse = true,
  7. bool shouldRetry = true,
  8. bool? shouldSetAuthHeaders,
  9. int? retry,
  10. Duration? retryDelay,
  11. bool retryIf(
    1. DioException dioException
  12. Duration? connectionTimeout,
  13. Duration? receiveTimeout,
  14. Duration? sendTimeout,
  15. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,

Networking class to handle API requests Use the request callback to call an API handleSuccess overrides the response on a successful status code handleFailure overrides the response on a failure

Usage: Future<List


Future<T?> network<T>(
    {required Function(Dio api) request,
    Function(Response response)? handleSuccess,
    Function(DioException error)? handleFailure,
    String? bearerToken,
    String? baseUrl,
    bool useUndefinedResponse = true,
    bool shouldRetry = true,
    bool? shouldSetAuthHeaders,
    int? retry,
    Duration? retryDelay,
    bool Function(DioException dioException)? retryIf,
    Duration? connectionTimeout,
    Duration? receiveTimeout,
    Duration? sendTimeout,
    Map<String, dynamic>? headers}) async {
  if (headers == null) {
    headers = {};
  try {
    Map<String, dynamic> oldHeader = _api.options.headers;
    Map<String, dynamic> newValuesToAddToHeader = {};
    if (headers.isNotEmpty) {
      for (var header in headers.entries) {
        if (!oldHeader.containsKey(header.key)) {
          newValuesToAddToHeader.addAll({header.key: header.value});
    if (await shouldRefreshToken()) {
      await refreshToken(Dio());

    if (bearerToken != null) {
      newValuesToAddToHeader.addAll({"Authorization": "Bearer $bearerToken"});
    } else {
      if ((shouldSetAuthHeaders ?? this.shouldSetAuthHeaders) == true) {
        newValuesToAddToHeader.addAll(await setAuthHeaders(headers));
    String oldBaseUrl = _api.options.baseUrl;
    if (baseUrl != null) {
      _api.options.baseUrl = baseUrl;
    if (connectionTimeout != null) {
      _api.options.connectTimeout = connectionTimeout;
    if (receiveTimeout != null) {
      _api.options.receiveTimeout = receiveTimeout;
    if (sendTimeout != null) {
      _api.options.sendTimeout = sendTimeout;
    Response response = await request(_api);
    _api.options.headers = oldHeader; // reset headers
    _api.options.baseUrl = oldBaseUrl; //  reset base url
    _api.options.queryParameters = {}; // reset query parameters

    dynamic data = handleResponse<T>(response, handleSuccess: handleSuccess);
    if (data != T && useUndefinedResponse) {
      onUndefinedResponse(data, response, _context);
    _context = null;
    return data;
  } on DioException catch (dioException) {
    int nyRetries = retry ?? this.retry;
    Duration nyRetryDelay = retryDelay ?? this.retryDelay;
    bool Function(DioException dioException)? retryIfFinal = this.retryIf;
    if (retryIf != null) {
      retryIfFinal = retryIf;
    if (retryIfFinal != null) {
      shouldRetry = retryIfFinal(dioException);
    if (_retrying == false && shouldRetry == true && nyRetries > 0) {
      _retrying = true;
      for (var i = 0; i < nyRetries; i++) {
        await Future.delayed(nyRetryDelay);
        NyLogger.debug("[${i + 1}] Retrying request...");
        dynamic response = await network(
          request: request,
          handleSuccess: handleSuccess,
          handleFailure: handleFailure,
          bearerToken: bearerToken,
          baseUrl: baseUrl,
          useUndefinedResponse: useUndefinedResponse,
          headers: headers,
          shouldRetry: false,
        if (response != null) {
          _retrying = false;
          return response;
      _retrying = false;

    if (_context != null) {
      displayError(dioException, _context!);

    if (handleFailure != null) {
      return handleFailure(dioException);

    return null;
  } on Exception catch (e) {
    return null;