ensureInitialized static method

void ensureInitialized({
  1. String? libmpv,


A complete video & audio library for Flutter & Dart.


static void ensureInitialized({String? libmpv}) {
  if (_initialized) return;

  try {
    if (UniversalPlatform.isWindows) {
      nativeEnsureInitialized(libmpv: libmpv);
    } else if (UniversalPlatform.isLinux) {
      nativeEnsureInitialized(libmpv: libmpv);
    } else if (UniversalPlatform.isMacOS) {
      nativeEnsureInitialized(libmpv: libmpv);
    } else if (UniversalPlatform.isIOS) {
      nativeEnsureInitialized(libmpv: libmpv);
    } else if (UniversalPlatform.isAndroid) {
      nativeEnsureInitialized(libmpv: libmpv);
    } else if (UniversalPlatform.isWeb) {
      webEnsureInitialized(libmpv: libmpv);
    _initialized = true;
  } catch (_) {
      '${'-' * 80}\n'
      'media_kit: ERROR: MediaKit.ensureInitialized\n'
      'This indicates that one or more required dependencies could not be located.\n'
      'Refer to "Installation" section of the README for further details:\n'
      'GitHub  : https://github.com/media-kit/media-kit#installation\n'
      'pub.dev : https://pub.dev/packages/media_kit#installation\n'
      'TIP: Copy-paste required packages from the above link to your pubspec.yaml.\n'
      'If you recently added the packages, make sure to re-run the project ("hot-restart" & "hot-reload" is not sufficient for native plugins).\n'
      '${'-' * 80}\n',