The media_collection_previewer is a versatile Flutter package designed to simplify the way you preview various media files, including images, audio, and video, within your Flutter applications. This package enables developers to open and interact with a comprehensive viewer for media files by simply clicking on them, thereby enhancing the user experience and the overall quality of your application.


Note: This package is still under development and is subject to change.


  • Supports multiple file formats: Effortlessly preview image, video, and audio files all in one place.
  • Supported image formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF.
  • Supported video formats: MP4, MOV.
  • Supported audio formats: MP3, WAV.
  • Supports media playback from local assets, and remote URLs.

Getting started

To use this package, add media_collection_previewer as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


In your pubspec.yaml file within your Flutter Project add media_collection_previewer under dependencies:

  media_collection_previewer: <latest_version>

Using it

  • Import the package and create a list of media files to preview.
import 'package:media_collection_previewer/media_collection_previewer.dart';

List<Media> medias = [
    id: 1,
    type: MediaType.image,
    path: imagePath,
    id: 2,
    url: url,
    thumbnailUrl: thumbnailUrl,
    id: 3,
    path: audioPath,
  • Create a MediaCollection widget and pass the list of media files to it.

final widget = MediaCollection(medias: medias);

This will create a previewer which shows your media files and allows them to be opened and viewed on click.

Additional information

You can check out the example directory for a sample application using this package.


web_video_player is licensed under the New BSD License check the License for more details.