A client library for the mcumgr device management protocol.
- Upload firmware updates (DFU)
This package just implements the protocol, you need to bring your own transport layer.
import 'package:mcumgr/mcumgr.dart';
final client = Client(
input: receiveStream, // bytes received from the device (Stream<List<int>>)
output: (bytes) { /* send bytes (List<int>) to the device */ }
Bluetooth LE
Implementing the SMP Bluetooth transport using flutter_blue:
final serviceUuid = Guid('8d53dc1d-1db7-4cd3-868b-8a527460aa84');
final characteristicUuid = Guid('da2e7828-fbce-4e01-ae9e-261174997c48');
// Increase the Bluetooth MTU (this is important!)
await device.requestMtu(252);
// Find the service and its characteristic
final service = services.singleWhere((e) => e.uuid == serviceUuid);
final characteristic = service.characteristics.singleWhere((e) => e.uuid == characteristicUuid);
// Subscribe to messages from the device
await characteristic.setNotifyValue(true);
final client = Client(
// Used to receive messages from the device
input: characteristic.onValueChangedStream,
// Used to send messages to the device
output: (value) => characteristic.write(value, withoutResponse: true),
Firmware updates
- Send the image to the device
- Set the image to pending (bootloader will load it on the next boot only)
- Tell the device to reboot
- Reconnect to the device
- Confirm the new image (bootloader will always load it)