listen function

bool listen(
  1. Function onData

Starts listening on the socket for packets sent by the RCON server. Returns a boolean that specifies if the socket has started listening. Note: onData must accept a List


bool listen(Function onData) {
  // Checks to ensure that the RCON socket exists.
  if (rconSck == null) {
    return false;

  // Starts listening on the RCON socket.
  // Calls the first handler if we receive data, calls onError
  // if there is an error on the stream, calls onDone when the
  // client or the server ends the connection.
    (Uint8List data) {
      pSR(data, onData);
    onError: (error) {
      print('mc_rcon: Error with the connection to the server: $error');
    onDone: () {
      print('mc_rcon: The server has ended the connection.');
    cancelOnError: false,

  return true;