A flutter plugin for recording audio.
Not only does it support basic recording functions, but it also supports audio interruption policy control and other exception handling.
Only support wav format for now.
import 'package:mc_flutter_recorder/mc_flutter_recorder.dart';
_mcRecorderPlugin = McFlutterRecorder();
// You need to require permission before recording
final granted = await Permission.microphone.isGranted;
if (!granted) {
await Permission.microphone.request();
// Initialize the recorder
filePath: path,
sampleRate: 16000,
channel: RecorderChannel.mono,
pcmBitRate: PcmBitRate.pcm16Bit,
period: const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
interruptedBehavior: InterruptedBehavior.stop,
freeDisk: 100,
// Start recording
await _mcRecorderPlugin.start();
// Resume recording
await _mcRecorderPlugin.resume();
// Pause recording
await _mcRecorderPlugin.pause();
// Stop recording
await _mcRecorderPlugin.stop();
// Close recorder
await _mcRecorderPlugin.close();
_mcRecorderPlugin.recordStateStream.listen((state) {
// Do something with the state
_mcRecorderPlugin.recordInfoStream.listen((info) {
// Do something with the info
_mcRecorderPlugin.recordErrorStream.listen((error) {
// Do something with the error
Set the compileSdkVersion to 33 in android/app/build.gradle
android {
compileSdkVersion 33
Add the following keys to your Info.plist file, located in
NSMicrophoneUsageDescription - describe why your app needs access to the microphone
<string>Can We Use Your Microphone Please</string>
We welcome contributions to this project. Please fork this repository and submit pull requests for any features or bug fixes you may have.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.