editSection method

Future<void> editSection(
  1. int sectionId,
  2. List<MBUploadableElement> elements, {
  3. MBAdminPushSettings? pushSettings,
  4. MBAdminVisibilitySettings? visibilitySettings,

Edits a section, this API will change only the elements passed, elements that are not passed will remain untouched.

  • Parameters:
    • sectionId: The id of the section that needs to be edited.
    • elements: The elements of the section that will be created.
    • visibilitySettings: This property will tell MBurger the visibility settings for the section.
    • pushSettings: This property will tell MBurger if it should send a push notification when the section is published.
  • Returns a Future that completes when the section is edited correctly.


Future<void> editSection(
  int sectionId,
  List<MBUploadableElement> elements, {
  MBAdminPushSettings? pushSettings,
  MBAdminVisibilitySettings? visibilitySettings,
}) async {
  String apiName = 'api/sections/$sectionId/update';

  var uri = Uri.https(manager.endpoint, apiName);
  var request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', uri);

  for (MBUploadableElement element in elements) {
    List<MBMultipartForm>? forms = element.toForm();
    await _addMultipartFormsToRequest(request, forms);
  if (pushSettings != null) {
    List<MBMultipartForm>? pushForms = pushSettings.toForm();
    await _addMultipartFormsToRequest(request, pushForms);
  if (visibilitySettings != null) {
    List<MBMultipartForm>? visibilityForms = visibilitySettings.toForm();
    await _addMultipartFormsToRequest(request, visibilityForms);

  request.headers.addAll(await manager.headers());
  http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
  final responseString = await response.stream.bytesToString();

  MBManager.checkResponse(responseString, checkBody: false);