MBPollElement constructor

  1. required Map<String, dynamic> dictionary,

Initializes a poll element with the dictionary returned by the MBurger APIs.

  • Parameters:
    • dictionary: The dictionary returned by the APIs.


factory MBPollElement({required Map<String, dynamic> dictionary}) {
  List<MBPollAnswer> answers = [];
  bool answered = false;
  MBPollAnswer? answer;
  DateTime? expiration;

  if (dictionary['value'] is Map<String, dynamic>) {
    Map<String, dynamic> value = dictionary['value'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
    List<dynamic> answersFromApi = value['answers'] as List;
    List<dynamic> resultsFromApi = value['results'] as List;

    int index = 0;
    for (var answer in answersFromApi) {
      if (answer != null &&
          answer is String &&
          index < resultsFromApi.length) {
        dynamic votesFromDict = resultsFromApi[index];
        int votes = 0;
        if (votesFromDict is int) {
          votes = votesFromDict;
        } else if (votesFromDict is double) {
          votes = votesFromDict.toInt();
        answers.add(MBPollAnswer(answer, votes));

    if (value['answered'] is bool) {
      answered = value['answered'] as bool;
    if (value['answer'] is int) {
      int answerInt = value['answer'] as int;
      if (answerInt < answers.length) {
        answer = answers[answerInt];

    if (value['ends_at'] is int) {
      int endsAtTimestamp = value['ends_at'] as int;
      expiration =
          DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(endsAtTimestamp * 1000);

  return MBPollElement._(
    dictionary: dictionary,
    answers: answers,
    answered: answered,
    answer: answer,
    expiration: expiration,