jsonDictionaryForInAppMessage static method

Map<String, dynamic> jsonDictionaryForInAppMessage(
  1. MBInAppMessage inAppMessage

Converts an in app message to a JSON dictionary @param inAppMessage The in app message to convert. @returns The Map that represent the in app message.


static Map<String, dynamic> jsonDictionaryForInAppMessage(
    MBInAppMessage inAppMessage) {
  Map<String, dynamic> dictionary = {
    'id': inAppMessage.id,
    'style': _stringForInAppMessageStyle(inAppMessage.style),
    'isBlocking': inAppMessage.isBlocking,
    'duration': inAppMessage.duration,
  if (inAppMessage.title != null) {
    dictionary['title'] = inAppMessage.title;
  if (inAppMessage.titleColor != null) {
    dictionary['titleColor'] = inAppMessage.titleColor!.value;
  if (inAppMessage.body != null) {
    dictionary['body'] = inAppMessage.body;
  if (inAppMessage.bodyColor != null) {
    dictionary['bodyColor'] = inAppMessage.bodyColor!.value;
  if (inAppMessage.image != null) {
    dictionary['image'] = inAppMessage.image;
  if (inAppMessage.backgroundColor != null) {
    dictionary['backgroundColor'] = inAppMessage.backgroundColor!.value;
  if (inAppMessage.buttons != null) {
    dictionary['buttons'] = inAppMessage.buttons!
        .map((b) => _jsonDictionaryForButton(b))
  return dictionary;