showLocalNotification static method

Future<bool> showLocalNotification({
  1. required String id,
  2. required DateTime date,
  3. required String title,
  4. required String body,
  5. required int? badge,
  6. required String? launchImage,
  7. required String? sound,
  8. required String? media,
  9. required String? mediaType,

Presents a local notification. @param id The id of the notification. @param date The date when the notification will be presented. @param title The title of the notification. @param body The body of the notification. @param badge The badge of the notification. @param launchImage The launch image for the notification. @param sound A custom sound for the notification. @param media The path of a media that will be showed with the notification. @param mediaType The media type.


static Future<bool> showLocalNotification({
  required String id,
  required DateTime date,
  required String title,
  required String body,
  required int? badge,
  required String? launchImage,
  required String? sound,
  required String? media,
  required String? mediaType,
}) async {
  MPAndroidNotificationsSettings? androidNotificationsSettings =
  if (Platform.isAndroid && androidNotificationsSettings == null) {
    return false;
  Map<String, dynamic> arguments = {
    'id': id.hashCode,
    'date': date.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000,
    'title': title,
    'body': body,
    'badge': badge,
    'launchImage': launchImage,
    'sound': sound,
    'media': media,
    'mediaType': mediaType,
    'channelId': androidNotificationsSettings?.channelId,
    'channelName': androidNotificationsSettings?.channelName,
    'channelDescription': androidNotificationsSettings?.channelDescription,
    'icon': androidNotificationsSettings?.icon,
  if (androidNotificationsSettings != null) {
  dynamic result = await _channel.invokeMethod('showNotification', arguments);
  bool booleanResult = result is bool ? result : false;
  return booleanResult;