inviteUsersToTeam method

Future<Response<StatusOK>> inviteUsersToTeam({
  1. required String teamId,
  2. required BuiltList<String> requestBody,
  3. CancelToken? cancelToken,
  4. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  6. ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  7. ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  8. ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,

Invite users to the team by email Invite users to the existing team using the user's email. The number of emails that can be sent is rate limited to 20 per hour with a burst of 20 emails. If the rate limit exceeds, the error message contains details on when to retry and when the timer will be reset. ##### Permissions Must have `invite_user` and `add_user_to_team` permissions for the team.


  • teamId - Team GUID
  • requestBody - List of user's email
  • cancelToken - A CancelToken that can be used to cancel the operation
  • headers - Can be used to add additional headers to the request
  • extras - Can be used to add flags to the request
  • validateStatus - A ValidateStatus callback that can be used to determine request success based on the HTTP status of the response
  • onSendProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the send progress
  • onReceiveProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the receive progress

Returns a Future containing a Response with a StatusOK as data Throws DioError if API call or serialization fails


Future<Response<StatusOK>> inviteUsersToTeam({
  required String teamId,
  required BuiltList<String> requestBody,
  CancelToken? cancelToken,
  Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
}) async {
  final _path = r'/teams/{team_id}/invite/email'.replaceAll('{' r'team_id' '}', teamId.toString());
  final _options = Options(
    method: r'POST',
    headers: <String, dynamic>{
    extra: <String, dynamic>{
      'secure': <Map<String, String>>[
          'type': 'http',
          'scheme': 'bearer',
          'name': 'bearerAuth',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    validateStatus: validateStatus,

  dynamic _bodyData;

  try {
    const _type = FullType(BuiltList, [FullType(String)]);
    _bodyData = _serializers.serialize(requestBody, specifiedType: _type);

  } catch(error, stackTrace) {
    throw DioError(
       requestOptions: _options.compose(
      type: DioErrorType.other,
      error: error,
    )..stackTrace = stackTrace;

  final _response = await _dio.request<Object>(
    data: _bodyData,
    options: _options,
    cancelToken: cancelToken,
    onSendProgress: onSendProgress,
    onReceiveProgress: onReceiveProgress,

  StatusOK _responseData;

  try {
    const _responseType = FullType(StatusOK);
    _responseData = _serializers.deserialize(!,
      specifiedType: _responseType,
    ) as StatusOK;

  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
    throw DioError(
      requestOptions: _response.requestOptions,
      response: _response,
      type: DioErrorType.other,
      error: error,
    )..stackTrace = stackTrace;

  return Response<StatusOK>(
    data: _responseData,
    headers: _response.headers,
    isRedirect: _response.isRedirect,
    requestOptions: _response.requestOptions,
    redirects: _response.redirects,
    statusCode: _response.statusCode,
    statusMessage: _response.statusMessage,
    extra: _response.extra,