getUserTermsOfService method
Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance.
Will be deprecated in v6.0 Fetches user's latest terms of service action if the latest action was for acceptance. Minimum server version: 5.6 ##### Permissions Must be logged in as the user being acted on.
- String userId (required): User GUID
Future<MmUserTermsOfService?> getUserTermsOfService(
String userId,
) async {
final response = await getUserTermsOfServiceWithHttpInfo(
if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
throw MmApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));
// When a remote server returns no body with a status of 204, we shall not decode it.
// At the time of writing this, `dart:convert` will throw an "Unexpected end of input"
// FormatException when trying to decode an empty string.
if (response.body.isNotEmpty && response.statusCode != HttpStatus.noContent) {
return await apiClient.deserializeAsync(
await _decodeBodyBytes(response),
) as MmUserTermsOfService;
return null;