migrateAuthToSaml method

Future<void> migrateAuthToSaml({
  1. MmMigrateAuthToSamlRequest? mmMigrateAuthToSamlRequest,

Migrate user accounts authentication type to SAML.

Migrates accounts from one authentication provider to another. For example, you can upgrade your authentication provider from email to SAML. Minimum server version: 5.28 ##### Permissions Must have manage_system permission.



Future<void> migrateAuthToSaml({
  MmMigrateAuthToSamlRequest? mmMigrateAuthToSamlRequest,
}) async {
  final response = await migrateAuthToSamlWithHttpInfo(
    mmMigrateAuthToSamlRequest: mmMigrateAuthToSamlRequest,
  if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
    throw MmApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));