getChannelsForUser method
Get all channels from all teams
Get all channels from all teams that a user is a member of. Minimum server version: 6.1 ##### Permissions Logged in as the user, or have edit_other_users
String userId (required): The ID of the user. This can also be "me" which will point to the current user.
int lastDeleteAt: Filters the deleted channels by this time in epoch format. Does not have any effect if include_deleted is set to false.
bool includeDeleted: Defines if deleted channels should be returned or not
Future<List<MmChannel>?> getChannelsForUser(
String userId, {
int? lastDeleteAt,
bool? includeDeleted,
}) async {
final response = await getChannelsForUserWithHttpInfo(
lastDeleteAt: lastDeleteAt,
includeDeleted: includeDeleted,
if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
throw MmApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));
// When a remote server returns no body with a status of 204, we shall not decode it.
// At the time of writing this, `dart:convert` will throw an "Unexpected end of input"
// FormatException when trying to decode an empty string.
if (response.body.isNotEmpty && response.statusCode != HttpStatus.noContent) {
final responseBody = await _decodeBodyBytes(response);
return (await apiClient.deserializeAsync(responseBody, 'List<MmChannel>') as List).cast<MmChannel>().toList();
return null;