getChannelMemberCountsByGroup method

Future<void> getChannelMemberCountsByGroup(
  1. String channelId, {
  2. bool? includeTimezones,

Channel members counts for each group that has atleast one member in the channel

Returns a set of ChannelMemberCountByGroup objects which contain a group_id, channel_member_count and a channel_member_timezones_count. ##### Permissions Must have read_channel permission for the given channel. Minimum server version: 5.24


  • String channelId (required): Channel GUID

  • bool includeTimezones: Defines if member timezone counts should be returned or not


Future<void> getChannelMemberCountsByGroup(
  String channelId, {
  bool? includeTimezones,
}) async {
  final response = await getChannelMemberCountsByGroupWithHttpInfo(
    includeTimezones: includeTimezones,
  if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
    throw MmApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));