KeyVerification class


KeyVerification({required Encryption encryption, Room? room, required String userId, String? deviceId, void onUpdate()?})


canceled bool
getter/setter pair
canceledCode String?
getter/setter pair
canceledReason String?
getter/setter pair
client Client
no setter
deviceId String?
no setter
encryption Encryption
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isDone bool
no setter
keyToVerify SignableKey?
getter/setter pair
knownVerificationMethods List<String>
no setter
lastActivity DateTime
getter/setter pair
lastStep String?
getter/setter pair
onUpdate ↔ void Function()?
getter/setter pair
oppositePossibleMethods List<String>
getter/setter pair
possibleMethods List<String>
getter/setter pair
qrCode QRCode?
getter/setter pair
randomSharedSecretForQRCode String?
getter/setter pair
room Room?
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sasEmojis List<KeyVerificationEmoji>
no setter
sasNumbers List<int>
no setter
sasTypes List<String>
no setter
startedVerification bool
getter/setter pair
startPayload Map<String, dynamic>?
getter/setter pair
state KeyVerificationState
getter/setter pair
transactionId String?
getter/setter pair
userId String


acceptQRScanConfirmation() Future<void>
call this to confirm that your other device has shown a shield and is in done state.
acceptSas() Future<void>
acceptVerification() Future<void>
called when the user accepts an incoming verification
cancel([String code = 'm.unknown', bool quiet = false]) Future<void>
continueVerification(String type, {Uint8List? qrDataRawBytes}) Future<void>
Once you get a ready event, i.e both sides are in a askChoice state, send either m.reciprocate.v1 or here. If you continue with qr, send the qrData you just scanned
dispose() → void
generateQrCode() Future<QRCode?>
getKeys(QRMode mode) Future<(String, String)?>
getOurQRMode() QRMode
handlePayload(String type, Map<String, dynamic> payload, [String? eventId]) Future<void>
makePayload(Map<String, dynamic> payload) → void
maybeRequestSSSSSecrets([int i = 0]) Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
openSSSS({String? passphrase, String? recoveryKey, String? keyOrPassphrase, bool skip = false}) Future<void>
otherDeviceAccepted() → void
rejectSas() Future<void>
rejectVerification() Future<void>
called when the user rejects an incoming verification
send(String type, Map<String, dynamic> payload) Future<void>
sendRequest() Future<void>
setState(KeyVerificationState newState) → void
start() Future<void>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
verifyActivity() Future<bool>
verifyKeysQR(SignableKey key, {bool shower = true}) Future<void>
shower is true only for reciprocated verifications (shower side)
verifyKeysSAS(Map<String, String> keys, Future<bool> verifier(String, SignableKey)) Future<void>
verifyLastStep(List<String?> checkLastStep) Future<bool>
verifyQrData(Uint8List qrDataRawBytes) Future<bool>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

getTransactionId(Map<String, dynamic> payload) String?


prefix → const String
version → const int