onCallNegotiate method

Future<void> onCallNegotiate(
  1. Room room,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> content


Future<void> onCallNegotiate(Room room, Map<String, dynamic> content) async {
  final String callId = content['call_id'];
  Logs().d('Negotiate received for call ID $callId');

  final call = calls[VoipId(roomId: room.id, callId: callId)];
  if (call != null) {
    // ideally you also check the lifetime here and discard negotiation events
    // if age of the event was older than the lifetime but as to device events
    // do not have a unsigned age nor a origin_server_ts there's no easy way to
    // override this one function atm

    final description = content['description'];
    try {
      SDPStreamMetadata? metadata;
      if (content[sdpStreamMetadataKey] != null) {
        metadata = SDPStreamMetadata.fromJson(content[sdpStreamMetadataKey]);
      await call.onNegotiateReceived(metadata,
          RTCSessionDescription(description['sdp'], description['type']));
    } catch (e, s) {
      Logs().e('[VOIP] Failed to complete negotiation', e, s);