fetchOrCreateGroupCall method

Future<GroupCallSession> fetchOrCreateGroupCall(
  1. String groupCallId,
  2. Room room,
  3. CallBackend backend,
  4. String? application,
  5. String? scope, {
  6. bool preShareKey = true,

Create a new group call in an existing room.

groupCallId The room id to call

application normal group call, thrirdroom, etc

scope room, between specifc users, etc.

preShareKey for livekit calls it creates and shares a key with other participants in the call without entering, useful on onboarding screens. does not do anything in mesh calls


Future<GroupCallSession> fetchOrCreateGroupCall(
  String groupCallId,
  Room room,
  CallBackend backend,
  String? application,
  String? scope, {
  bool preShareKey = true,
}) async {
  // somehow user were mising their powerlevels events and got stuck
  // with the exception below, this part just makes sure importantStateEvents
  // does not cause it.
  await room.postLoad();

  if (!room.groupCallsEnabledForEveryone) {
    await room.enableGroupCalls();

  if (!room.canJoinGroupCall) {
    throw MatrixSDKVoipException(
      User ${client.userID}:${client.deviceID} is not allowed to join famedly calls in room ${room.id},
      canJoinGroupCall: ${room.canJoinGroupCall},
      groupCallsEnabledForEveryone: ${room.groupCallsEnabledForEveryone},
      needed: ${room.powerForChangingStateEvent(EventTypes.GroupCallMember)},
      own: ${room.ownPowerLevel}}
      plMap: ${room.getState(EventTypes.RoomPowerLevels)?.content}

  GroupCallSession? groupCall = getGroupCallById(room.id, groupCallId);

  groupCall ??= await _newGroupCall(

  if (preShareKey) {
    await groupCall.backend.preShareKey(groupCall);

  return groupCall;