getWellknown method

Future<DiscoveryInformation> getWellknown()

Gets discovery information about the domain. The file may include additional keys, which MUST follow the Java package naming convention, e.g. This ensures property names are suitably namespaced for each application and reduces the risk of clashes.

Note that this endpoint is not necessarily handled by the homeserver, but by another webserver, to be used for discovering the homeserver URL.


Future<DiscoveryInformation> getWellknown() async {
  final requestUri = Uri(path: '.well-known/matrix/client');
  final request = Request('GET', baseUri!.resolveUri(requestUri));
  final response = await httpClient.send(request);
  final responseBody = await;
  if (response.statusCode != 200) unexpectedResponse(response, responseBody);
  final responseString = utf8.decode(responseBody);
  final json = jsonDecode(responseString);
  return DiscoveryInformation.fromJson(json as Map<String, Object?>);