Event constructor

  1. EventStatus status = defaultStatus,
  2. required Map<String, dynamic> content,
  3. required String type,
  4. required String eventId,
  5. required String senderId,
  6. required DateTime originServerTs,
  7. Map<String, dynamic>? unsigned,
  8. Map<String, dynamic>? prevContent,
  9. String? stateKey,
  10. required Room room,
  11. MatrixEvent? originalSource,


  this.status = defaultStatus,
  required Map<String, dynamic> super.content,
  required super.type,
  required String eventId,
  required super.senderId,
  required DateTime originServerTs,
  Map<String, dynamic>? unsigned,
  Map<String, dynamic>? prevContent,
  String? stateKey,
  required this.room,
  MatrixEvent? originalSource,
})  : _originalSource = originalSource,
        eventId: eventId,
        originServerTs: originServerTs,
        roomId: room.id,
      ) {
  this.eventId = eventId;
  this.unsigned = unsigned;
  // synapse unfortunately isn't following the spec and tosses the prev_content
  // into the unsigned block.
  // Currently we are facing a very strange bug in web which is impossible to debug.
  // It may be because of this line so we put this in try-catch until we can fix it.
  try {
    this.prevContent = (prevContent != null && prevContent.isNotEmpty)
        ? prevContent
        : (unsigned != null &&
                unsigned.containsKey('prev_content') &&
                unsigned['prev_content'] is Map)
            ? unsigned['prev_content']
            : null;
  } catch (_) {
    // A strange bug in dart web makes this crash
  this.stateKey = stateKey;

  // Mark event as failed to send if status is `sending` and event is older
  // than the timeout. This should not happen with the deprecated Moor
  // database!
  if (status.isSending && room.client.database != null) {
    // Age of this event in milliseconds
    final age = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch -

    final room = this.room;
    if (age > room.client.sendTimelineEventTimeout.inMilliseconds) {
      // Update this event in database and open timelines
      final json = toJson();
      json['unsigned'] ??= <String, dynamic>{};
      json['unsigned'][messageSendingStatusKey] = EventStatus.error.intValue;
      // ignore: discarded_futures
          nextBatch: '',
          rooms: RoomsUpdate(
            join: {
              room.id: JoinedRoomUpdate(
                timeline: TimelineUpdate(
                  events: [MatrixEvent.fromJson(json)],