trackDimensions method

void trackDimensions({
  1. required Map<String, String> dimensions,
  2. String? pvId,
  3. String? path,
  4. Campaign? campaign,
  5. bool? newVisit,

Tracks custom dimensions.

It is recommended to set the dimensions parameter in one of the other track calls instead of using this method (since it will log an additional page view).

The keys of the dimensions map correspond with the dimension[1-999] parameters. This means that the keys MUST be named dimension1, dimension2, ....

The keys of the dimensions map will be validated if they follow these rules, and if not, a ArgumentError will be thrown.

To see the dimensions in the Matomo dashboard, make sure to add them in the dashboard first.

To associate this action with a page view, enable attachLastScreenInfo and leave pvId to null here or set pvId to the pvId of that page view manually, e.g. TraceableClientMixin.pvId. Setting pvId manually will take precedance over attachLastScreenInfo.

path is a string that identifies the path of the screen where this action happend. If not null, it will be appended to contentBase to create a URL. This combination corresponds with url. Also see attachLastScreenInfo. Setting path manually will take precedance over attachLastScreenInfo.

campaign can be a campaign that lead to this action. Setting this multiple times during an apps lifetime can have some side effects, see the Campaign class for more information.

The newVisit parameter can be used to make this action the begin of a new visit. If it's left to null and this is the first track... call after MatomoTracker.initialize, the newVisit from there will be used.


void trackDimensions({
  required Map<String, String> dimensions,
  String? pvId,
  String? path,
  Campaign? campaign,
  bool? newVisit,
}) {
  return _track(
      pvId: _inferPvId(pvId),
      path: _inferPath(path),
      campaign: campaign,
      dimensions: dimensions,
      newVisit: _inferNewVisit(newVisit),