addPow method

void addPow(
  1. TeXFunction pow

Adds a pow to the current node

If the expression is ^2 instead of ^, we want to set 2 as the argument of the pow function directly.


void addPow(TeXFunction pow) {
  final posBefore = currentNode.courserPosition - 1;

  /// We don't allow having to pow's next to each other (x^2^2), since this
  /// is not supported by TeX.
  if (currentNode.children.isEmpty ||
      currentNode.courserPosition == 0 ||
      currentNode.children[posBefore].expression == '^' ||
      currentNode.courserPosition < currentNode.children.length &&
          currentNode.children[posBefore + 1].expression == '^') {
  if (pow.expression.endsWith('2')) {
    final powCopy = TeXFunction('^', pow.parent, pow.args, pow.argNodes);
    powCopy.argNodes.first.addTeX(const TeXLeaf('2'));
  } else {
    currentNode = pow.argNodes.first;