evaluate method

  1. @override
dynamic evaluate(
  1. EvaluationType type,
  2. ContextModel context

The EvaluationType of f is detected automatically based on the domain dimension of g. This is because the input of g is the output of f (composite function).

The given EvaluationType is used for g because there is no information on the expected output.

Furthermore g is assigned a separate child scope of the given context, so that variable naming does not interfer with the evaluation.


dynamic evaluate(EvaluationType type, ContextModel context) {
  //TODO - Check if necessary variables have been bound to context.
  //     - Type checks.
  dynamic fEval;
  final ContextModel childScope = context.createChildScope();

  // We expect result to be of dimension gDomainDimension.
  if (gDomainDimension == 1) {
    // Expect f to evaluate to a real.
    fEval = f.evaluate(EvaluationType.REAL, context);
    // Create new context and bind (single) input of g to fEval.
    childScope.bindVariable(g.getParam(0), _toExpression(fEval));
    return g.evaluate(type, childScope);

  if (gDomainDimension == 2) {
    // Expect f to evaluate to a 2-dimensional vector.
    fEval = f.evaluate(EvaluationType.VECTOR, context);
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(0), _toExpression(fEval.x))
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(1), _toExpression(fEval.y));
    return g.evaluate(type, childScope);

  if (gDomainDimension == 3) {
    // Expect f to evaluate to a 3-dimensional vector.
    fEval = f.evaluate(EvaluationType.VECTOR, context);
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(0), _toExpression(fEval.x))
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(1), _toExpression(fEval.y))
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(2), _toExpression(fEval.z));
    return g.evaluate(type, childScope);

  if (gDomainDimension == 4) {
    // Expect f to evaluate to a 4-dimensional vector.
    fEval = f.evaluate(EvaluationType.VECTOR, context);
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(0), _toExpression(fEval.x))
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(1), _toExpression(fEval.y))
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(2), _toExpression(fEval.z))
      ..bindVariable(g.getParam(3), _toExpression(fEval.w));
    return g.evaluate(type, childScope);

  //TODO Handle arbitrary vectors.
  throw UnimplementedError('Vectors > 4 not supported yet.');