CompositeFunction constructor

  1. MathFunction f,
  2. MathFunction g

Creates a function composition.

For example, given f(x): R -> R^3 and g(x,y,z): R^3 -> R the composition yields (g ° f)(x): R -> R^3 -> R. First f is applied, then g is applied.

Given some requirements

x = Variable('x');
xPlus = Plus(x, 1);
xMinus = Minus(x, 1);

fExpr = Vector([x, xPlus, xMinus]);        // Transforms x to 3-dimensional vector
f = CustomFunction('f', [x], fExpr);       // Creates a function R -> R^3 from fExpr

y = Variable('z');
z = Variable('y');

gExpr = x + y + z;                         // Transforms 3-dimensional input to real value
g = CustomFunction('g', [x, y, z], gExpr)  // Creates a function R^3 -> R from gExpr

a composition can be created as follows:

composite = CompositeFunction(f, g); // R -> R
                                     // composite(2) = 6


CompositeFunction(this.f, this.g)
    : super('comp(${},${})', f.args);