toString method
A string representation of this object.
Some classes have a default textual representation,
often paired with a static parse
function (like int.parse).
These classes will provide the textual representation as
their string representation.
Other classes have no meaningful textual representation
that a program will care about.
Such classes will typically override toString
to provide
useful information when inspecting the object,
mainly for debugging or logging.
String toString() => '''
boxShadows: $boxShadows,
breakpoints: $breakpoints,
durations: $durations,
elevations: $elevations,
formFactor: $formFactor,
iconSizes: $iconSizes,
radii: $radii,
spaces: $spaces,
textShadows: $textShadows,
gaps: $gaps,
borderRadii: $borderRadii,
shapes: $borderShapes,
edgeInsetses: $edgeInsets,
paddings: $padding,