copyWith method

  1. @override
XMetricsData copyWith({
  1. XBoxShadowsData? boxShadows,
  2. XBreakpointsData? breakpoints,
  3. XDurationsData? durations,
  4. XElevationsData? elevations,
  5. XFormFactor? formFactor,
  6. XIconSizesData? iconSizes,
  7. XRadiiData? radii,
  8. XSpacesData? spaces,
  9. XTextShadowsData? textShadows,

Creates a copy of this theme extension with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.


XMetricsData copyWith({
  XBoxShadowsData? boxShadows,
  XBreakpointsData? breakpoints,
  XDurationsData? durations,
  XElevationsData? elevations,
  XFormFactor? formFactor,
  // XGoogleFontsData? googleFonts,
  XIconSizesData? iconSizes,
  XRadiiData? radii,
  XSpacesData? spaces,
  XTextShadowsData? textShadows,
}) {
  return XMetricsData(
    boxShadows: boxShadows ?? this.boxShadows,
    breakpoints: breakpoints ?? this.breakpoints,
    durations: durations ?? this.durations,
    elevations: elevations ?? this.elevations,
    formFactor: formFactor ?? this.formFactor,
    // googleFonts: googleFonts ?? this.googleFonts,
    iconSizes: iconSizes ?? this.iconSizes,
    radii: radii ?? this.radii,
    spaces: spaces ?? this.spaces,
    textShadows: textShadows ?? this.textShadows,