Material Neumorphic Button

Part of Material Neumorphic widgets suit.


A Neumorphic Button

When pressed, it will fire a call to its VoidCallback onPressed click parameter The animation starts from style.depth (or theme.depth is not defined in the style) @see NeumorphicStyle

And finished to minDistance, in duration (time)

You can force the pressed state using pressed

  • true : forced as pressed
  • false : forced as unpressed
  • null : can be pressed by user

It takes a padding, default EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8, vertical: 4)`

It takes a NeumorphicStyle @see NeumorphicStyle

    onClick: () {
        setState(() {
            // do some stuff
    boxShape: NeumorphicBoxShape.roundRect(BorderRadius.circular(12)),
    style: NeumorphicStyle(
        shape: NeumorphicShape.flat,
    child: Text("Click me"),