score static method

List<int> score(
  1. Map<int, int> colorsToPopulation, {
  2. int desired = 4,
  3. int fallbackColorARGB = 0xff4285F4,
  4. bool filter = true,

Given a map with keys of colors and values of how often the color appears, rank the colors based on suitability for being used for a UI theme.

colorsToPopulation is a map with keys of colors and values of often the color appears, usually from a source image. desired max count of colors to be returned in the list. fallbackColorARGB color to be returned if no other options available. filter whether to filter out undesireable combinations.

The list returned is of length <= desired. The recommended color is the first item, the least suitable is the last. There will always be at least one color returned. If all the input colors were not suitable for a theme, a default fallback color will be provided, Google Blue. The default number of colors returned is 4, simply because thats the # of colors display in Android 12's wallpaper picker.


static List<int> score(Map<int, int> colorsToPopulation,
    {int desired = 4,
    int fallbackColorARGB = 0xff4285F4,
    bool filter = true}) {
  // Get the HCT color for each Argb value, while finding the per hue count and
  // total count.
  final colorsHct = <Hct>[];
  final huePopulation = List<int>.filled(360, 0);
  var populationSum = 0;
  for (var entry in colorsToPopulation.entries) {
    final argb = entry.key;
    final population = entry.value;
    final hct = Hct.fromInt(argb);
    final hue = hct.hue.floor();
    huePopulation[hue] += population;
    populationSum += population;

  // Hues with more usage in neighboring 30 degree slice get a larger number.
  final hueExcitedProportions = List<double>.filled(360, 0.0);
  for (var hue = 0; hue < 360; hue++) {
    final proportion = huePopulation[hue] / populationSum;
    for (var i = hue - 14; i < hue + 16; i++) {
      final neighborHue = MathUtils.sanitizeDegreesInt(i);
      hueExcitedProportions[neighborHue] += proportion;

  // Scores each HCT color based on usage and chroma, while optionally
  // filtering out values that do not have enough chroma or usage.
  final scoredHcts = <_ScoredHCT>[];
  for (final hct in colorsHct) {
    final hue = MathUtils.sanitizeDegreesInt(hct.hue.round());
    final proportion = hueExcitedProportions[hue];
    if (filter &&
        (hct.chroma < _cutoffChroma ||
            proportion <= _cutoffExcitedProportion)) {

    final proportionScore = proportion * 100.0 * _weightProportion;
    final chromaWeight =
        hct.chroma < _targetChroma ? _weightChromaBelow : _weightChromaAbove;
    final chromaScore = (hct.chroma - _targetChroma) * chromaWeight;
    final score = proportionScore + chromaScore;
    scoredHcts.add(_ScoredHCT(hct, score));
  // Sorted so that colors with higher scores come first.

  // Iterates through potential hue differences in degrees in order to select
  // the colors with the largest distribution of hues possible. Starting at
  // 90 degrees(maximum difference for 4 colors) then decreasing down to a
  // 15 degree minimum.
  final chosenColors = <Hct>[];
  for (var differenceDegrees = 90;
      differenceDegrees >= 15;
      differenceDegrees--) {
    for (final entry in scoredHcts) {
      final hct = entry.hct;
      final duplicateHue = chosenColors.firstWhereOrNull((chosenHct) =>
          MathUtils.differenceDegrees(hct.hue, chosenHct.hue) <
      if (duplicateHue == null) {
      if (chosenColors.length >= desired) break;
    if (chosenColors.length >= desired) break;
  final colors = <int>[];
  if (chosenColors.isEmpty) {
  for (final chosenHct in chosenColors) {
  return colors;