solveToInt static method

int solveToInt(
  1. double hueDegrees,
  2. double chroma,
  3. double lstar

Finds an sRGB color with the given hue, chroma, and L*, if possible.

Returns a hexadecimal representing a sRGB color with its hue, chroma, and L* sufficiently close to hueDegrees, chroma, and lstar, respectively. If it is impossible to satisfy all three constraints, the hue and L* will be sufficiently close, and the chroma will be maximized.


static int solveToInt(double hueDegrees, double chroma, double lstar) {
  if (chroma < 0.0001 || lstar < 0.0001 || lstar > 99.9999) {
    return ColorUtils.argbFromLstar(lstar);
  hueDegrees = MathUtils.sanitizeDegreesDouble(hueDegrees);
  final hueRadians = hueDegrees / 180 * pi;
  final y = ColorUtils.yFromLstar(lstar);
  final exactAnswer = _findResultByJ(hueRadians, chroma, y);
  if (exactAnswer != 0) {
    return exactAnswer;
  final linrgb = _bisectToLimit(y, hueRadians);
  return ColorUtils.argbFromLinrgb(linrgb);