createApplication abstract method

Future<MastodonResponse<RegisteredApplication>> createApplication({
  1. required String clientName,
  2. String redirectUri = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob',
  3. List<Scope>? scopes,
  4. String? websiteUrl,

Create a new application to obtain OAuth2 credentials.


  • clientName: A name for your application.

  • redirectUri: Where the user should be redirected after authorization. In default urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob will be used.

  • scopes: List of scopes. If none is provided, defaults to read.

  • websiteUrl: A URL to the homepage of your app.

Endpoint Url

  • GET /api/v1/apps HTTP/1.1

Authentication Methods

  • Anonymous



Future<MastodonResponse<RegisteredApplication>> createApplication({
  required String clientName,
  String redirectUri = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob',
  List<Scope>? scopes,
  String? websiteUrl,