lookupAccountFromWebFingerAddress abstract method

Future<MastodonResponse<Account>> lookupAccountFromWebFingerAddress({
  1. required String accountIdentifier,
  2. bool? skipWebFinger,

Quickly lookup a username to see if it is available, or quickly resolve a Web Finger address to an account ID.


  • accountIdentifier: The username or Web Finger address to lookup.

  • skipWebFinger: Whether to use the locally cached result instead of performing full Web Finger resolution. Defaults to true.

Endpoint Url

  • GET /api/v1/accounts/lookup HTTP/1.1

Authentication Methods

  • Anonymous

Required Scopes

  • read:accounts



Future<MastodonResponse<Account>> lookupAccountFromWebFingerAddress({
  required String accountIdentifier,
  bool? skipWebFinger,