createMute abstract method

Future<MastodonResponse<Relationship>> createMute({
  1. required String accountId,
  2. bool? includeNotifications,
  3. Duration? duration,

Mute the given account. Clients should filter statuses and notifications from this account, if received (e.g. due to a boost in the Home timeline).


  • accountId: The ID of the Account in the database.

  • includeNotifications: Mute notifications in addition to statuses? Defaults to true.

  • duration: How long the mute should last. Defaults to 0 (indefinite).

Endpoint Url

  • POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/mute HTTP/1.1

Authentication Methods

  • OAuth 2.0

Required Scopes

  • write:mutes



Future<MastodonResponse<Relationship>> createMute({
  required String accountId,
  bool? includeNotifications,
  Duration? duration,