The package provides TextInputFormatter for TextField and TextFormField which format the input by a given mask.
Check 'example' folder for code sample
- Follow the install guide
- Importing the library:
import 'package:mask_input_formatter/mask_input_formatter.dart';
- Create a mask formatter:
MaskInputFormatter myFormatter = MaskInputFormatter(mask: '(AA) #####');
- Set with TextField/TextFormField:
inputFormatters: [myFormatter],
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintText: "(AB) 12345",
) // TextFormField
// Input --> JK75757
// Output --> (JK) 75757 set formatted text on TextField
Other Mask
You can use the mask whatever you defined in formatter:
MaskInputFormatter dateFormatter = MaskInputFormatter(mask: '##/##/####');
// --> 26/05/2021
MaskInputFormatter phoneFormatter = MaskInputFormatter(mask: '+# (###) ###-####');
// --> +1 (234) 567-8901
MaskInputFormatter numberFormatter = MaskInputFormatter(mask: 'AAA-###', textAllCaps: true);
// --> XYZ-789
In last example. --> (AAA-###)
- 'A' character will allow only letters from A-Z.
- '#' character will allow only numbers.
- And other characters and symbols will be added as mask.
Suggestions and Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Developer Team:
Amjad Jamali & his team members (Kamran Khan, Hina Hussain, Faiza Farooqui) :tada: