masamune_universal_ui library
The package provide a universal UI that aims to be written in one code on any platform.
To use, import package:masamune_universal_ui/masamune_universal_ui.dart
- AutoDrawerSettings
- This is given when generating a Drawer within UniversalScaffold.
- BreakpointSettings
- Sets breakpoints for the grid.
- Responsive
- Specify responsive columns.
- ResponsiveEdgeInsets
EdgeInsets for
. - UniversalAppBar
- Create an AppBar to provide a consistent UI across web, desktop, and mobile.
- UniversalAppBarBackground
- AppBar background widget available in UniversalAppBar.
- UniversalAvatarSliverAppBar
- Create an AppBar to provide a consistent UI across web, desktop, and mobile.
- UniversalColumn
- Create responsive columns.
- UniversalContainer
- Create a container that is responsive.
- UniversalExtentAppBar
- Extended size AppBar.
- UniversalHeaderTile
- Tiles that can be used as headers for profiles, etc.
- UniversalListView
- Create ListView to provide a consistent UI across web, desktop, and mobile.
- UniversalMasamuneAdapter
An adapter that allows you to define initial settings for using
Masamune Universal UI
. - UniversalPadding
- UniversalScaffold
- Create Scaffold to provide a consistent UI across web, desktop and mobile.
- UniversalScaffoldScope
- Scope for retrieving information in UniversalScaffold.
T> - Create a search bar.
- UniversalSideBar
- Create a sidebar for Universal UI.
- UniversalSliverAppBar
- Create an AppBar to provide a consistent UI across web, desktop, and mobile.
- UniversalWidgetScope
- Widget to disable child padding when UniversalListView or UniversalContainer installed in Body is installed in duplicate.
- AutomaticallyImplyLeadingType
Specify whether to automatically set IconButton to
of AppBar. - Breakpoint
- Specifies the size of the container.
- LaunchMode
- The desired mode to launch a URL.
- ResponsiveGridTier
- Determines which GridTier it belongs to based on the current screen size.
- UniversalAppBarScrollStyle
- Specify the scrolling method in UniversalSliverAppBar.
- UniversalAppBarTitlePosition
- Specify the position of the title to be used in UniversalSliverAppBar.
- SliverAppBarMixin
- Mix-in to be used as a Sliver-like AppBar.
- UniversalAppBarMixin
- Mix-in to be used as UniversalAppBar.
- MasamuneUniversalBuildContextExtensions on BuildContext
- Define extension methods for BuildContext in Universal UI.
- MasamuneUniversalEdgeInsetsExtensions on EdgeInsets
- Define extension methods for EdgeInsets in Universal UI.
on Iterable<
Widget> - Provides an extension method for Iterable that includes Widget as an element.
- UniversalUIClipExtensions on Widget
- Extension methods for Widget.
- UniversalUIDecorationExtensions on Widget
- Extension methods for Widget.
- UniversalUIGestureDetectorExtensions on Widget
- Extension methods for Widget.
- UniversalUIIconExtensions on Icon
- Extension methods for Text.
- UniversalUIPaddingExtensions on Widget
- Extension methods for Widget.
- UniversalUITextExtensions on Text
- Extension methods for Text.
- UniversalUIWidgetStructureExtensions on Widget
- Extension methods for Widget.
- kDefaultExpandedHeight → const double
- Default height of SliverAppBar.
- kDefaultUnderBottomHeight → const double
- This is the default height below the avatar image in UniversalAvatarSliverAppBar.
- kDefaultVerticalPadding → const double
- Default vertical padding.
- kSideBarWidth → const double
- Default width of the sidebar.
String url, {LaunchMode mode = LaunchMode.platformDefault, bool openSelfWindowOnWeb = false}) → Future< void> -
Open a new external