MapExtensions<K, V> extension



addWith(Map<K, V> other, Iterable<K> keys) Map<K, V>
Set only the value of the key specified by keys in the map specified by other.
containsKeyAll(Iterable<Object?> keys) bool
Returns true if all of the given keys is in the map.
containsKeyAny(Iterable<Object?> keys) bool
Returns true if any of the given keys is in the map.
containsValueAll(Iterable<Object?> values) bool
Returns true if all of the given values is in the map.
containsValueAny(Iterable<Object?> values) bool
Returns true if any of the given values is in the map.
get<T>(K key, T orElse) → T
Get the value corresponding to key in the map.
merge(Map<K, V>? others, {K convertKeys(K key)?, V convertValues(V value)?}) Map<K, V>
Merges the map in others with the current map.
toList<T>(T callback(K key, V value)) Iterable<T>
Convert it to a list through callback.