reauth method

Future<bool> reauth({
  1. required ReAuthProvider provider,

If you are signed in, this is used to perform an authentication check just before changing information for authentication (e.g., email address).

Reauthentication is performed by passing a class inheriting from ReAuthProvider in provider.




Future<bool> reauth({
  required ReAuthProvider provider,
}) async {
  await _initialize();
  final account = active;
  if (account == null) {
    throw Exception(
      "You are not signed in. Please sign in with [signIn] first.",
  if (provider is EmailAndPasswordReAuthProvider) {
    return account.get(userPasswordKey, "") == provider.password;
  } else if (provider is SnsReAuthProvider) {
    return activeProviderIds.contains(provider.providerId);
  } else {
    throw Exception(
      "This provider is not supported: ${provider.runtimeType}",