SearchParam constructor

const SearchParam()

When specifying each field in CollectionModelPath or DocumentModelPath, you can annotate the field to make it a search target.

If a field has this annotation, the document will be given a SearchableDocumentMixin.

The collection will also be given a SearchableCollectionMixin to allow searching from the collection using the search method.




class ShopModel with _$ShopModel {
  const factory ShopModel({
    @searchParam @Default("") String name,
    @searchParam @Default("") String description,
  }) = _ShopModel;
  const ShopModel._();

  factory ShopModel.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> json) => _$ShopModelFromJson(json);

  static const document = _$ShopModelDocumentQuery();

  static const collection = _$ShopModelCollectionQuery();


const SearchParam();