mapListenable method

List<Widget> mapListenable(
  1. Widget? callback(
    1. T item

Convert each Listenable element to a Widget via callback.

Wrapping the conversion with a ListenableListener will update the Widget when notified of changes to the given Listenable.

When the contents of a DocumentBase contained in a CollectionBase are changed, CollectionBase will not receive a change notification (unless the number of elements in the CollectionBase is changed).

By using this method to expand the contents, even if the contents of DocumentBase are changed, it is possible to receive a change notification and reflect the changes only in the relevant contents.






List<Widget> mapListenable(Widget? Function(T item) callback) {
  return map((item) {
    return ListenableListener<T>(
      listenable: item,
      builder: (context, listenable) => listenable == null
          ? const SizedBox.shrink()
          : ?? const SizedBox.shrink(),