call method

  1. @useResult
TextProvider call(
  1. String? uri, {
  2. Map<String, String>? headers,
  3. String defaultValue = "",

Obtains text from a text file that exists in uri.

If uri starts with http:// or https://, a request is made to the network with GET to retrieve the text. In this case, request headers can be added at headers.

If uri starts with an absolute path of file:// or /, a search is performed on the terminal file path to obtain the text within the file if it exists. (Not available on the Web)

If the file is not found, or uri starts with resource://, search for the file in Flutter's assets folder and retrieve the text in the file.

If uri is empty or the text cannot be retrieved for some reason, defaultValue is returned.


urihttp://https://から始まる場合、ネットワークに対してGETでリクエストを行いテキストを取得します。 その際headersでリクエストヘッダを付与することが可能です。

urifile://、または/の絶対パスで始まる場合、端末のファイルパスに対して検索を行い、ファイルが存在するときそのファイル内のテキストを取得します。 (Webでは利用できません)




TextProvider call(
  String? uri, {
  Map<String, String>? headers,
  String defaultValue = "",
}) {
  if (uri.isEmpty) {
    return TextProvider(defaultValue: defaultValue);
  try {
    uri = "$_prefix${uri!.trimString("/")}";
    if (uri.startsWith("http")) {
      return NetworkTextProvider(
        headers: headers,
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
    } else if (uri.startsWith("/") || uri.startsWith("file:")) {
      return FileTextProvider(
        uri.replaceAll(RegExp(r"^file:(//)?"), ""),
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
    } else if (uri.startsWith("document:")) {
      return FileTextProvider(
        uri.replaceAll(RegExp(r"^document:(//)?"), ""),
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
        dirType: FileImageDirType.document,
    } else if (uri.startsWith("temp:")) {
      return FileTextProvider(
        uri.replaceAll(RegExp(r"^temp:(//)?"), ""),
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
        dirType: FileImageDirType.temporary,
    } else if (uri.startsWith("temporary:")) {
      return FileTextProvider(
        uri.replaceAll(RegExp(r"^temporary:(//)?"), ""),
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
        dirType: FileImageDirType.temporary,
    } else if (uri.startsWith("resource:")) {
      return AssetTextProvider(
        uri.replaceAll(RegExp(r"^resource:(//)?"), ""),
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
    } else {
      return AssetTextProvider(
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
  } catch (e) {
    return TextProvider(defaultValue: defaultValue);