TagSyntax constructor

  1. String pattern, {
  2. bool requiresDelimiterRun = false,
  3. int? startCharacter,
  4. bool removeOpener = false,
  5. bool allowIntraWord = false,

Create a new TagSyntax which matches text on pattern.

If end is passed, it is used as the pattern which denotes the end of matching text. Otherwise, pattern is used. If requiresDelimiterRun is passed, this syntax parses according to the same nesting rules as emphasis delimiters. If startCharacter is passed, it is used as a pre-matching check which is faster than matching against pattern.


TagSyntax(String pattern,
    {this.requiresDelimiterRun = false,
    int? startCharacter,
    this.removeOpener = false,
    this.allowIntraWord = false})
    : super(pattern, startCharacter: startCharacter);