close method
- InlineParser parser,
- covariant SimpleDelimiter opener,
- Delimiter? closer, {
- required List<
Node> getChildren(),
Attempts to close this tag at the current position.
If a tag cannot be closed at the current position (for example, if a link
reference cannot be found for a link tag's label), then null
If a tag can be closed at the current position, then this method calls
, in which parser
parses any nested text into child nodes.
The returned Node incorpororates these child nodes.
Node? close(
InlineParser parser, covariant SimpleDelimiter opener, Delimiter? closer,
{required List<Node> Function() getChildren}) {
var text = parser.source!.substring(opener.endPos, parser.pos);
// The current character is the `]` that closed the link text. Examine the
// next character, to determine what type of link we might have (a '('
// means a possible inline link; otherwise a possible reference link).
if (parser.pos + 1 >= parser.source!.length) {
// The `]` is at the end of the document, but this may still be a valid
// shortcut reference link.
return _tryCreateReferenceLink(parser, text, getChildren: getChildren);
// Peek at the next character; don't advance, so as to avoid later stepping
// backward.
var char = parser.charAt(parser.pos + 1);
if (char == $lparen) {
// Maybe an inline link, like `[text](destination)`.
var leftParenIndex = parser.pos;
var inlineLink = _parseInlineLink(parser);
if (inlineLink != null) {
return _tryCreateInlineLink(parser, inlineLink,
getChildren: getChildren);
// At this point, we've matched `[...](`, but that `(` did not pan out to
// be an inline link. We must now check if `[...]` is simply a shortcut
// reference link.
// Reset the parser position.
parser.pos = leftParenIndex;
return _tryCreateReferenceLink(parser, text, getChildren: getChildren);
if (char == $lbracket) {
// At this point, we've matched `[...][`. Maybe a *full* reference link,
// like `[foo][bar]` or a *collapsed* reference link, like `[foo][]`.
if (parser.pos + 1 < parser.source!.length &&
parser.charAt(parser.pos + 1) == $rbracket) {
// That opening `[` is not actually part of the link. Maybe a
// *shortcut* reference link (followed by a `[`).
return _tryCreateReferenceLink(parser, text, getChildren: getChildren);
var label = _parseReferenceLinkLabel(parser);
if (label != null) {
return _tryCreateReferenceLink(parser, label, getChildren: getChildren);
return null;
// The link text (inside `[...]`) was not followed with a opening `(` nor
// an opening `[`. Perhaps just a simple shortcut reference link (`[...]`).
return _tryCreateReferenceLink(parser, text, getChildren: getChildren);