Extensible and customizable logging framework for Dart and Flutter.
is a logging framework for Dart. It is designed to be extensible and customizable, allowing the creation of custom logging messages and processors. It is also designed to be easy to use, with a simple API and a default configuration that is ready to use.
Current logging solutions either do not provide enough customization, forcing you to use ad-hoc solutions, lack specific features, such as scoping, or lack the desired Developer Experience (DX). mark
aims to solve these problems by providing a simple, yet powerful, logging framework that is easy to use, customize, extend and integrate.
tries to be as unopinionated as possible, allowing you to use it in any way you want. It is designed to be used in any Dart project, from small CLI tools to large Flutter applications, whilst trying to take care of the most common use cases and striving to provide a "framework" solution.
Add mark
to your pubspec.yaml
mark: "current version"
Or do it via CLI.
For Flutter projects:
$ flutter pub add mark
For Dart projects:
$ dart pub add mark
can be fitted to the needs of the project by utilizing only the needed features.
The main actors of the framework are:
- a class that is used to log messagesLogMessage
- a class that represents a log message and is passed to theLogger
- a class that processes aLogMessage
The Logger
is the main actor of the framework, which is used to log messages. The Logger
is configured with a list of MessageProcessor
s, which are used to process the LogMessage
s. This approach allows to create of custom MessageProcessor
s, which can be used to customize the logging process, filter messages (as the list of MessageProcessor
s can be configured dynamically), and process the messages in any way – from printing them to the console to sending them to a remote server.
The most basic usage of mark
is to use the default configuration. This can be done by importing the mark
package, creating a global logger constant with a default message processor, and using the default logging methods:
final logger = Logger(processors: const [EphemeralMessageProcessor()]);
void main() {'Hello, World!');
The EphemeralMessageProcessor
is a default message processor, which prints the message to the console with a platform-specific implementation of the source, and defining the logger as a global constant allows to use it in any part of the code, without the need to pass it as a parameter.
Since this object is a singleton, the disposing can be ignored. For loggers that are not singletons, the dispose
method should be called to dispose of the resources used by the logger.
The Logger
class provides a list of default logging methods, which really just call the mark
method with an appropriate LogMessage
type: InfoMessage
for info
, WarningMessage
for warning
, ErrorMessage
for error
, and DebugMessage
for debug
The default configuration is not always enough, and mark
allows to create custom messages and processors, which can be used to customize the logging process. Most commonly, processors are customized in the first place, as they are the main actors of the logging process.
Customization of the logging process can be done by creating a custom MessageProcessor
, which can be used to filter messages, process them in any way, such as sending them to a remote server, and change the set of processors dynamically.
The MessageProcessor
is a class that processes a LogMessage
. It is a simple class, which has a single method, processMessages
, which takes a Stream<LogMessage>
and returns a Stream<void>
. The processMessages
method is called by the Logger
when a message is logged.
Custom processor
To create a custom message processor, a BaseMessageProcessor
class can be extended, which allows to select a subset of messages to process and to implement the way how messages are formatted, processed and the order of the processing by overriding the appropriate methods.
A custom message processor that sends messages to a remote server can be created as follows:
class RemoteMessageProcessor
extends BaseMessageProcessor<LogMessage, Map<String, dynamic>> { // 1
final RemoteLogService service;
const RemoteMessageProcessor(this.service);
Map<String, dynamic> format(LogMessage message) => message.toJson(); // 2
Future<void> process(
LogMessage message,
Map<String, dynamic> formattedMessage,
) =>
service.send(formattedMessage); // 3
bool allow(LogMessage message) =>
message.severityValue >= ErrorMessage.severity; // 4
Stream<void> transform(
EntryProcessorF<LogMessage, Map<String, dynamic>> processorF,
Stream<LogEntry<LogMessage, Map<String, dynamic>>> entries,
) =>
entries.asyncMap(processorF); // 5
class takes two type parameters, the first one is the type of the message, and the second one is the type of the formatted message. TheRemoteMessageProcessor
is a generic class, which takes aLogMessage
as a message type and aMap<String, dynamic>
as a formatted message type. TheLogMessage
is the default message type, which is used by theLogger
and allows for all messages, and theMap<String, dynamic>
is a type that is used to send messages to a remote server. -
method is used to format the message. It takes aLogMessage
and returns aMap<String, dynamic>
, which is used to send messages to a remote server. -
method is used to process the formatted message. It takes aLogMessage
and a formatted message, which is aMap<String, dynamic>
, and returns aFutureOr<void>
, (aFuture<void>
in this case) which allows processing the message in any way. -
method is used to filter messages. It takes aLogMessage
and returns abool
, which allows filtering messages. In this case, only messages with a severity ofErrorMessage
or higher are allowed. -
method is used to specify the order in which messages are processed. It takes anEntryProcessorF
and aStream<LogEntry>
, and returns aStream<void>
. TheEntryProcessorF
is a function that takes aLogEntry
and returns aFutureOr<void>
. In this case, the messages are processed in the order in which they are received.
Dynamically stating processors
Processors are specified at the creation of Logger
, and the list of processors can be assembled dynamically, for example by utilizing Dart's features in regard to conditional list entries. A Logger that prints messages to the console in debug and profile modes, and sends them to a remote server in release mode can be created as follows:
final logger = Logger(
processors: [
if (kReleaseMode)
const RemoteMessageProcessor()
const EphemeralMessageProcessor(),
Forking the logger
The fork
method of the Logger
class allows to create a new Logger
with an additional set of processors. Since the Logger
object is immutable, altering the list of processors is not possible, and the fork
method allows one to add them by creating a new Logger
It is important to always dispose of the Logger
object, which is done by calling the dispose
method. The fork
method returns a new Logger
object, which should be disposed of separately.
For example, this feature can be used to granularly improve traceability in a function with known bugs.
Future<void> main() async {
final logger = Logger( // 1
processors: const [
final remoteLogger = logger.fork( // 2
processors: const [
await buggyFunction(remoteLogger); // 3
await remoteLogger.dispose(); // 4
await logger.dispose();
object is created with a single processor, which prints messages to the console. This object can be viewed as a base, root logger. -
method is used to create a newLogger
object with an additional set of processors. In this case, theRemoteMessageProcessor
is added to the list of processors. -
is called with theremoteLogger
, which allows to print messages to the console AND send them to a remote server. -
All logger objects are disposed of after they are no longer needed.
In addition to custom processors, custom messages can be created. The LogMessage
class is an interface that allows to create custom messages. Every log message has a severity, a stack trace, data, and an optional meta field. The severity is used to filter messages, the stack trace is used to provide traceability, the data is used to provide a message payload, and the meta field is used to provide additional information. The LogMessage
is serializable via the toJson()
To create a custom message, a BaseLogMessage
should be extended, which implements the LogMessage
interface, and provides a default implementation of the fields, as well as a toJson
An example message of a login event can be described as follows:
class LoginEvent extends BaseLogMessage {
static const int severity = 3;
final String data;
LoginEvent(String email, {super.stackTrace, super.meta}) : data = email;
int get severityValue => severity;
However, usually custom events are represented as a union type, which can be used in a custom message processor to process messages only of a selected type.
In addition, the meta
field can be used to provide additional information about the message. Usually, it can be passed directly to the constructor of a LogMessage
, but a Zone
injection is also an option. The ZonedMeta
namespace can be used to create a new Zone with a passed meta.
ZonedMeta.attach('I came from the Zone!', body);
In this example, the body
function will be executed in a new Zone, which will have the I came from the Zone!
meta attached to it, in every message that leaves the constructor meta field empty.
A few uncategorized extras are provided by the mark
Pattern matching
Both LogMessage
and the PrimitiveLogMessage
can be pattern-matched to a more specific type. The LogMessage
can be pattern-matched to a PrimitiveLogMessage
or a Log
, and the PrimitiveLogMessage
can be pattern-matched to a concrete primitive message type, such as InfoMessage
or DebugMessage
An EphemeralMessageProcessor
's web implementation can be used as an example of pattern-matching.
void Function(Object? data) _matchPrinter(LogMessage message) {
final console = window.console;
final info =;
return message.matchPrimitive(
primitive: (message) => message.match(
info: (_) => info,
debug: (_) => console.debug,
warning: (_) => console.warn,
error: (_) => console.error,
orElse: (_) => info,
Formatter mixins
The mark
package provides a few formatter mixins, which can be used to format messages in a specific way based on a specified output type parameter:
- formats messages toMap<String, Object?>
using thetoJson
– formats messages toString
using thetoString