MPDisplayRule class

A collection of settings that dictate how MapsIndoors objects are displayed on the map

Implemented types


dispalyRuleName String
The name of the display rule
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
id MPDisplayRuleId
Get the display rule's id
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


getExtrusionColor() Future<String?>
Get the extrusion's color value
getExtrusionHeight() Future<num?>
Get the extrusion's height value
getExtrusionZoomFrom() Future<num?>
Get the extrusion's zoom from value
getExtrusionZoomTo() Future<num?>
Get the extrusion's zoom to value
getIconSize() Future<MPIconSize?>
Get the icon's size
getIconUrl() Future<String?>
Get the icon's URL
getLabel() Future<String?>
Get the label string
getLabelMaxWidth() Future<int?>
Get the label's max width value
getLabelZoomFrom() Future<num?>
Get the label's zoom from value
getLabelZoomTo() Future<num?>
Get the label's zoom to value
getModel2DBearing() Future<num?>
Get the 2D model's bearing value
getModel2DHeightMeters() Future<num?>
Get the 2D model's height in meters
getModel2DModel() Future<String?>
Get the 2D model's URL
getModel2DWidthMeters() Future<num?>
Get the 2D model's width in meters
getModel2DZoomFrom() Future<num?>
Get the 2D model's zoom from value
getModel2DZoomTo() Future<num?>
Get the 2D model's zoom to value
getPolygonFillColor() Future<String?>
Get the polygon's fill color value
getPolygonFillOpacity() Future<num?>
Get the polygon's fill opacity value
getPolygonStrokeColor() Future<String?>
Get the polygon's stroke color value
getPolygonStrokeOpacity() Future<num?>
Get the polygon's stroke opacity value
getPolygonStrokeWidth() Future<num?>
Get the polygon's stroke width value
getPolygonZoomFrom() Future<num?>
Get the polygon's zoom from value
getPolygonZoomTo() Future<num?>
Get the polygon's zoom to value
getWallColor() Future<String?>
Get the wall's color value
getWallHeight() Future<num?>
Get the wall's height value
getWallZoomFrom() Future<num?>
Get the wall's zoom from value
getWallZoomTo() Future<num?>
Get the wall's zoom to value
getZoomFrom() Future<num?>
Get the general zoom from value
getZoomTo() Future<num?>
Get the general zoom to value
isExtrusionVisible() Future<bool?>
Get the extrusion's visibility value
isIconVisible() Future<bool?>
Get the icon's visibility value
isLabelVisible() Future<bool?>
Get the label's visibility value
isModel2DVisible() Future<bool?>
Get the 2D model's visibility value
isPolygonVisible() Future<bool?>
Get the polygon's visibility value
isVisible() Future<bool?>
Get the general visibility value
isWallVisible() Future<bool?>
Get the wall's visibility value
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reset() Future<void>
setExtrusionColor(String color) Future<void>
Set the extrusion's color value
setExtrusionHeight(num height) Future<void>
Set the extrusion's height value
setExtrusionVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Set the extrusion's visibility value
setExtrusionZoomFrom(num from) Future<void>
Set the extrusion's zoom from value
setExtrusionZoomTo(num to) Future<void>
Set the extrusion's zoom to value
setIcon(String url) Future<void>
Set the icon's URL
setIconSize(MPIconSize size) Future<void>
Set the icon's size
setIconVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Set the icon's visibility value
setLabel(String label) Future<void>
Set the label string
setLabelMaxWidth(int max) Future<void>
Set the label's max width value
setLabelVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Set the label's visibility value
setLabelZoomFrom(num from) Future<void>
Set the label's zoom from value
setLabelZoomTo(num to) Future<void>
Set the label's zoom to value
setModel2DBearing(num bearing) Future<void>
Get the 2D model's bearing value
setModel2DHeightMeters(num height) Future<void>
Set the 2D model's height in meters
setModel2DModel(String url) Future<void>
Set the 2D model's URL
setModel2DVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Set the 2D model's visibility value
setModel2DWidthMeters(num width) Future<void>
Set the 2D model's width in meters
setModel2DZoomFrom(num from) Future<void>
Set the 2D model's zoom from value
setModel2DZoomTo(num to) Future<void>
Set the 2D model's zoom to value
setPolygonFillColor(String color) Future<void>
Set the polygon's fill color value
setPolygonFillOpacity(num opacity) Future<void>
Set the polygon's fill opacity value
setPolygonStrokeColor(String color) Future<void>
Set the polygon's stroke color value
setPolygonStrokeOpacity(num opacity) Future<void>
Set the polygon's stroke opacity value
setPolygonStrokeWidth(num width) Future<void>
Set the polygon's stroke width value
setPolygonVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Set the polygon's visibility value
setPolygonZoomFrom(num from) Future<void>
Set the polygon's zoom from value
setPolygonZoomTo(num to) Future<void>
Set the polygon's zoom to value
setVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Set the general visibility value
setWallColor(String color) Future<void>
Set the wall's color value
setWallHeight(num height) Future<void>
Set the wall's height value
setWallVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Set the wall's visibility value
setWallZoomFrom(num from) Future<void>
Set the wall's zoom from value
setWallZoomTo(num to) Future<void>
Set the wall's zoom to value
setZoomFrom(num from) Future<void>
Set the general zoom from value
setZoomTo(num to) Future<void>
Set the general zoom to value
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.