mappls_gl_platform_interface library
T> - Mutable collection of ArgumentCallback instances, itself an ArgumentCallback.
- CameraMapplsPinUpdate
- CameraPosition
- The position of the map "camera", the view point from which the world is shown in the map view. Aggregates the camera's target geographical location, its zoom level, tilt angle, and bearing.
- CameraTargetBounds
- Bounds for the map camera target.
- CameraUpdate
- Defines a camera move, supporting absolute moves as well as moves relative the current position.
- Circle
- CircleOptions
- Configuration options for Circle instances.
- Fill
- FillOptions
- Configuration options for Fill instances.
- GeojsonSourceProperties
- ImageSourceProperties
- LatLng
- A pair of latitude and longitude coordinates, stored as degrees.
- LatLngBounds
- A latitude/longitude aligned rectangle.
- LatLngQuad
- A geographical area representing a non-aligned quadrilateral This class does not wrap values to the world bounds
- Line
- LineOptions
- Configuration options for Line instances.
- MapplsGeoAnalyticsAppearanceOption
- MapplsGeoAnalyticsDetail
- MapplsGeoAnalyticsRequest
- MapplsGlPlatform
- MapplsStyle
- MethodChannelMapplsGl
- MinMaxPitchPreference
- Preferred bounds for map camera pitch level.
- MinMaxZoomPreference
- Preferred bounds for map camera zoom level.
- RasterDemSourceProperties
- RasterSourceProperties
- SourceProperties
- Symbol
- SymbolOptions
- Configuration options for Symbol instances.
- UserHeading
- Type represents a geomagnetic value, measured in microteslas, relative to a device axis in three dimensional space.
- UserLocation
- User's observed location
- VectorSourceProperties
- VideoSourceProperties
- AttributionButtonPosition
- Attribution Button Position
- CompassViewPosition
- Compass View Position
- LogoViewPosition
- Logo View Position
- MapplsGeoAnalyticsType
- MyLocationRenderMode
- Render mode
- MyLocationTrackingMode
- The camera mode, which determines how the map camera will track the rendered location.
FillOptions options, LatLng delta) → FillOptions
T> = void Function(T argument) - Callback function taking a single argument.
- OnPlatformViewCreatedCallback = void Function(int)