search library
- AssetsProvider
- Interface for providing images, image sizes and icon styles to the search layer. Call with static_cast
- PersonalSuggestListener
- PlacemarkListener
- Interface for callbacks on placemark events.
- Search
- SearchAddress
- Contains structured address, formatted address, postal code and country code.
- SearchAddressComponent
- Single address component.
- SearchAvailability
- A single value of availability information.
- SearchBusinessFilter
- A filter that could be applied to search results.
- SearchBusinessFilterBooleanValue
- Value for boolean filters.
- SearchBusinessFilterDateValue
- Value for date filters.
- SearchBusinessFilterEnumValue
- Value for enum filters.
- SearchBusinessFilterRangeValue
- Value for range filters.
- SearchBusinessFilterValues
- Possible filter values.
- SearchBusinessObjectMetadata
- Extended information about company.
- SearchBusinessPhotoObjectMetadata
- Snippet for company-related photos (becoming obsolete).
- SearchBusinessPhotoObjectMetadataPhoto
- Information about single photos.
- SearchBusinessPhotoObjectMetadataPhotoPhotoLink
- Photo link details.
- SearchBusinessRating1xObjectMetadata
- Snippet for company ratings. Score from 0 to 5.
- SearchBusinessResultMetadata
- Common info for business search response.
- No cache available for offline search for the given request.
- SearchCategory
- Single category (also known as rubric) description.
- SearchChain
- Single chain (group of companies) description.
- SearchCurrencyExchangeMetadata
- Currency exchange snippet.
- SearchCurrencyExchangeType
- Single currency exchange prices.
- SearchDayGroup
- A group of week days.
- SearchDeleteAllPersonalSuggestSession
- Interface to handle remove all user personalized suggest request. Allows request cancellation and retry.
- SearchEncyclopediaObjectMetadata
- Snippet with encyclopedia data.
- SearchEntrance
- An entrance to a building
- SearchFactory
- SearchFeature
- Describes some common feature of organizations. Can be of three types:
- SearchFeatureBooleanValue
- SearchFeatureEnumValue
- Value for enumerated features.
- SearchFeatureGroup
- Group of features.
- SearchFeatureSet
- Collection of features.
- SearchFeatureVariantValue
- A variant combining possible feature values.
- SearchFilterCollection
- Filters for search request. Use builder to setup this class.
- SearchFilterCollectionBuilder
- Builder for filter collection.
- SearchFilterCollectionDateRange
- Date range. Dates are encoded as strings in YYYYMMDD format.
- SearchFilterCollectionNumberRange
- Number range. Used for range filter.
- SearchFilterCollectionUtils
- SearchFilterSet
- Collection of filters.
- SearchFuelMetadata
- Fuel snippet.
- SearchFuelType
- Fuel name and price.
- SearchLayer
- The search layer handles the map search requests and displays the results on the map automatically. It also handles the map movements and resubmits searches when needed.
- SearchLine
- SearchLink
- Link structure. Combines actual link with attribution and type info.
- SearchManager
- Main interface to start search.
- SearchMetadata
- Additional info for search response;
- SearchOptions
- Struct to fine-tune search request.
- SearchOptionsNative
- SearchPanorama
- Panorama info.
- SearchPanoramasObjectMetadata
- Snippet data to get panoramas info.
- SearchParkingAttributes
- SearchPhone
- Organization phone.
- SearchPlaceInfo
- Related place information.
- SearchProperties
- Generic key-value property storage.
- SearchPropertiesItem
- Single property item.
- SearchReferencesObjectMetadata
- Reference metadata information.
- SearchReferenceType
- The type of reference.
- SearchRelatedPlacesObjectMetadata
- Snippet data to get related places info.
- SearchResponse
- Top level structure for search response.
- SearchResultItem
- Wrapper of the GeoObject in response, which makes it easy to get the certain fields from GeoObject
- SearchResultListener
- Interface for callbacks on search events.
- SearchSession
- Interface denoting ongoing search session. Allows search cancellation and retry. For many request types allows further searches.
- SearchSessionSearchListener
- SearchShowtime
- Session details.
- SearchShowtimesObjectMetadata
- Event schedule snippet.
- SearchSnippet
- Requested snippets bitmask.
- SearchSort
- Describes response sort.
- SearchState
- Describes if an organization is open or closed now.
- SearchSubtitleItem
- Separate subtitle of a certain type.
- SearchSubtitleMetadata
- Subtitle snippet.
- SearchSuggestSession
- SearchSuggestSessionSuggestListener
- SearchTimeRange
- The time interval used to compose availability info.
- SearchToponymObjectMetadata
- Additional data for toponym objects.
- SearchToponymResultMetadata
- Common info for response from toponym search.
- SearchToponymResultMetadataResponseInfo
- Additional response info.
- SearchType
- Bitmask for requested search types.
- SearchUtils
- SearchWorkingHours
- Open hours for an organization.
- Size
- Size of the icon
- SuggestItem
- A single suggested item.
- SuggestOptions
- Struct to fine-tune suggest request.
- SuggestOptionsNative
- SuggestResponse
- A suggest response
- SuggestType
- Bitmask for requested suggest types.
- PlacemarkIconType
- Possible placemark icon types
- RequestType
- Type of search layer's search requests.
- SearchAddressComponentKind
- An address component kind, for example, large administrative area.
- SearchClosed
- Company working status.
- SearchDisplayType
- Result display type.
- SearchManagerType
- Search manager type. Describes difference in online/offline search handling.
- SearchPhoneType
- Phone type
- SearchPrecision
- Precision for matching house numbers (response vs. request).
- SearchSortOrigin
- Sort origin types when results are ordered by distance (see SearchSortType).
- SearchSortType
- Sort type as returned in response.
- SearchToponymResultMetadataSearchMode
- Search mode.
- SuggestItemAction
- Action to be performed when user selected suggest item.
- SuggestItemBusinessContext
- More detailed info about type=Business response
- SuggestItemType
- Suggest item type.
- SearchBusinessFilterBooleanValueImpl on SearchBusinessFilterBooleanValue
- SearchBusinessFilterDateValueImpl on SearchBusinessFilterDateValue
- SearchBusinessFilterRangeValueImpl on SearchBusinessFilterRangeValue
- SearchChainImpl on SearchChain
- SearchFeatureBooleanValueImpl on SearchFeatureBooleanValue
- SearchFilterCollectionDateRangeImpl on SearchFilterCollectionDateRange
- SearchFilterCollectionNumberRangeImpl on SearchFilterCollectionNumberRange
- SearchLineImpl on SearchLine
- SearchLinkImpl on SearchLink
- SearchPanoramaImpl on SearchPanorama
- SearchPhoneImpl on SearchPhone
- SearchPropertiesItemImpl on SearchPropertiesItem
- SearchSortImpl on SearchSort
- SearchTimeRangeImpl on SearchTimeRange
- SearchToponymResultMetadataResponseInfoImpl on SearchToponymResultMetadataResponseInfo
- SizeImpl on Size